Recent talks by

Géza Ódor

  1. Géza Ódor et al.
  2. Revisiting and Modeling Power-Law Distributions in Empirical Outage Data of Power Systems
    Lightening talk presented at Exeter UK, Sep. 5 2024
    Conference on Complex Systems 2024
  3. Géza Ódor et al.
  4. Improving power-grid systems via topological changes or how self-organized criticality can help power grids
    Invited talk presented at Bremen Germany, July 30, 2024,
    Dynamic Days Europe 2024
    Minisimposium: Dynamics in energy systems - from analytics to machine learning

  5. Géza Ódor et al.
  6. Power-law tailed weight distributions in connectome graphs
    Talk presented at Quebec City Canada, June 18, 2024,
    Netsci2024, Sattelite: Network neuroscience
  7. Géza Ódor and Shengfeng Deng
  8. Super-spreader hot-spots, mobility and lock-down effects on the dynamics of SIR epidemic models
    Invited talk presented at Carparica Portugal, Feb. 7, 2024,
    15th Conference on Dynamical Systems Applied to Biology and Natural Sciences
  9. Géza Ódor et al.
  10. Heterogeneity and universality of power-grids
    Talk presented at Menton France, Nov 28, 2023,,
  11. Géza Ódor
  12. Robustness of Griffiths effects in homeostatic connectome threshold models
    Invited talk presented at the Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science
    Jagiellonian University, Krakow , July 21, 2023,,
    Computational Neuroscience Academy (CNA 2023)
  13. Géza Ódor
  14. Dynamical Criticality and Griffiths Phases in Models of Large Connectomes
    Invited talk presented online at the Scientific School at Sirius Mathematics Center:
    Research Center "IDEAS", Moscow, July 28, 2021,,
    "Mathematics, Theoretical Physics and Mathematical Methods of Data Analysis in Neuroscience"
  15. Géza Ódor
  16. Super-spreader hot-spots, mobility and lock-down effects on the dynamics of SIR epidemic models
    Talk presented online at May 13, 2021:
    MECO46 Conference Riga
  17. Géza Ódor and Bálint Hartmann
  18. Power-Law Distributions of Dynamic Cascade Failures in Power-Grid Models
    Talk presented at the sattelite of Conference on Complex Systems 2020,
    "Complexity in Energy Systems"
  19. Géza Ódor, Jeffery Kelling and Gustavo Deco
  20. Critical synchronization dynamics of the Kuramoto model on a large human connectome,
    Talk presented online Dec 2020,
    "Conference on Complex Systems 2020"
  21. Géza Ódor, Jeffery Kelling and Gustavo Deco
  22. The effect of noise on the synchronization dynamics of the
    Kuramoto model on a large human connectome graph (pdf),

    Invited talk presented at Kolkata, India 28 Nov 2019,
    "StatPhys Kolkata X"
  23. Géza Ódor:
  24. Robustness of Griffiths Phases in homeostatic connectome models (pdf) ,
    Talk presented at Nordita, Stockholm, 10 May 2019,
    "Statistical Physics of Complex Systems"
  25. Géza Ódor, Wesley Cota and S. C. Ferreira:
  26. Griffiths phase in infinite dimensional non-hierarchical modular networks (ppt),
    Talk presented at Thessaloniki, Grece, 22 March 2018,
    "CCS 2018"
  27. Géza Ódor and Bálint Hartmann:
  28. Effects of heterogeneity in power-grid network models (ppt),
    Talk presented at Barcelona, Spain, 22 March 2018,
    "Analysis and Modeling of Complex Oscillatory Systems"
  29. Géza Ódor and Michael Gastner:
  30. Critical dynamics on a large human Open Connectome network (ppt),
    Invited talk presented at Ilheus, Brazil, 17 Sep 2017,
    "Encontro Nacional de Fisica Estatistica"
  31. Géza Ódor and Michael Gastner:
  32. Griffiths phases on a large human Open Connectome network (ppt),
    Talk presented at Krakow, Poland, 5 Sep 2017,
    "XXXth Marian Smoluchowski Symposium"
  33. Géza Ódor and Michael Gastner:
  34. Critical dynamics on a large human Open Connectome network (ppt),
    Talk presented at Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 5 Jun 2017,
    "Crossroads in Complex Systems"
  35. Géza Ódor and Michael Gastner:
  36. The topology of large Open Connectome networks for the human brain (ppt),
    Talk presented at Tel Aviv, 16 Jan 2017,
  37. Géza Ódor, Ronald Dickman, Silvio Da Costa Ferreira and Wesley Cota:
  38. Burstyness, localization and Griffiths effects in network models (ppt),
    Talk presented at Lyon, 13 Jul 2016,
    "StatPhys 26"
  39. Géza Ódor:
  40. Localization, Griffiths phases and burstyness in neural network models (pdf)
    Talk presented at Dresden, Germany 08 April 2015,
    "Criticality in Biology: A Critical Assessment""
  41. Géza Ódor:
  42. Griffiths phases, localization and burstyness in network models (pdf)
    Talk presented in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 16 Jan 2015,
  43. Géza Ódor:
  44. Slow, bursty dynamics on complex networks (ppt)
    Talk presented at Berkeley, USA, 05 June 2014,
    "NetSci 2014"
  45. Géza Ódor, Jeffrey Kelling and Sybille Gemming
  46. Ageing of the 2+1 dimensional Kardar-Parisi Zhang model (ppt)
    Talk presented at Coventry, UK, 8 Apr, 2014,
  47. Géza Ódor:
  48. Spectral analysis and slow dynamics on quenched complex networks (ppt)
    Talk presented at Barcelona, Spain, 19 Sep, 2013,
    "Global Computing for our Complex Hyper-connected World (ECCS13) "
  49. Géza Ódor:
  50. Extremely Large Scale Simulation of Surface Growth and Lattice Gases (pdf)
    Talk presented at San Jose, USA, 21 Mar. 2013,
  51. Géza Ódor:
  52. Slow dynamics on quenched complex networks (pdf)
    Talk presented at Trieste, Italy, 26 Mar, 2013,
    "MECO38 "
  53. Géza Ódor:
  54. Slow dynamics of the contact process on complex networks (pdf)
    Invited talk presented at Oran, Algeria, 13 Oct, 2012,
    "1st International Conference on Numerical Physics"
  55. Géza Ódor, Bartosz Liedke, Karl-Heinz Heinig, Jeffrey Kelling:
  56. Ripples and dots generated by lattice gases (pdf)
    Invited talk presented at Bhubaneswar, India, 06 - 10 February, 2011,
    "Ion-Beam Induced Nanopatterning of Materials (IINM-2011)"
  57. Géza Ódor :
  58. Surface growth and lattice gas models (pdf)
    Talk at Eotvos Univ., Dep. Theoretical Phys., Budapest, 29.12.2010,
  59. Géza Ódor, M. Munoz, R. Juhasz, C. Castelleno :
  60. Griffiths phases of contact processes in complex networks (pdf)
    Talk presented in La Herradura, Spain, 17th Sep. 2010.
    "11th Granada Seminar on Computational and Statistical Physics"
  61. Géza Ódor, Bartosz Liedke, Karl-Heinz Heinig:
  62. Surface pattern and scaling study using lattice gas models (pdf)
    Talk presented at the workshop in Rathen, Germany, Aug. 31 2009.
    "Nanoscale Modification of Surfaces and Thin Films"
  63. Géza Ódor:
  64. Universal scaling behavior in nonequilibrium system (pdf)
    Seminar presented at Departament de Fisica I Enginyeria Nuclear, UPC Campus Nord, Barcelona, Sept. 30 2009.
  65. Géza Ódor:
  66. Universality split in directed percolation (pdf)
    Talk presented in Wels, Austria, Apr. 16 2008.
    "33rd Conference of the Middle European Cooperation in Statistical Physics"
  67. Géza Ódor:
  68. The role of diffusion in branching and annihilation random walk models (pdf)
    Talk presented in Lefkada, Greece, Sep. 19 2006.
    "Third International Conference on the Exact Renormalization Group (ERG)"
  69. Géza Ódor and Nóra Menyhárd:
  70. Critical behavior of a parity conserving cellular automaton with spatial disorder (pdf)
    Talk presented in Primosten, Croatia, April 23 2006.
    "Middle European Cooperation in Statistical Physics (MECO) 31"
  71. Géza Ódor :
  72. The role of diffusion in nonequilibrium phase transitions (pdf)
    Invited talk in KIAS, Seoul, Korea, July 2004.
    "Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics of Complex Systems" Satellite meeting of STATPHYS 22
  73. Géza Ódor :
  74. Phase transition in binary, triplet and quadruplet reaction-diffusion systems (pdf)
    Invited talk in Max Plank Institute, Dresden, Germany, Sept. 2003,
    Non-Equilibrium Statistical Physics in Low Dimensions and Reaction Diffusion Systems

  75. Géza Ódor :
  76. Novel critical behavior in binary production reaction-diffusion systems (pdf)
    Talk given at CCP2002, San Diego, USA, Aug 25-28 2002.
  77. Géza Ódor :
  78. Critical behavior of reaction-diffusion systems (ps)
    Proc. of talk given at the 7th Granada Seminar,
    Ed. P.L.Garrido and J. Marro, AIP Conference Proceedings 661 (2003) 58-75.
    Computational and Statistical Physics, Granada, Spain, 2-7 September 2002.
  79. Géza Ódor and Haye Hinrichsen :
  80. Roughening transitions in parity-conserving growth processes (ps)
    Invited talk at U. of Porto, Portugal June 1999,
    Workshop on nonequilbrium dynamic systems