List of main publications
Géza Ódor
A. Margaritis, Géza Ódor and A. Patkós:
Sequence of discrete spin models approximating the classical Heisenberg
J. Phys. A 20 (1987) 1917.
A. Margaritis, Géza Ódor and A. Patkós:
Series expansion solution of the Wegner-Houghton renormalisation group
Z. Phys C
(1988) 109.
Géza Ódor and J. Gyulai:
Lattice location calculation of elements implanted in Si by Miedema
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B 30 (1988) 217.
A.C. Irving, Géza Ódor and A. Patkós:
On the validity of the gap-exponent relation in Ising models with many
defect lines
J. Phys A 22 (1989) 4665 .
Géza Ódor:
Investigation of the 3-state 2-D Potts model with one line of defect
Int. J. of Mod. Phys C 3 (1992) 1195.
György Szabó, Attila Szolnoki, and Géza Ódor:
Orientation in a driven lattice gas
Phys. Rev.
B 46 (1992) 11 432.
J.Vermeulen, A.Gheorghe, I.Legrand, E.Denes, G.Ódor:, G.Vesztergombi,
R.K.Bock , W.Krischer, Z.Natkaniec, N.Tchamov, P.Malecki, A.Sobala, F.
Klefenz, R. Manner, K.H. Noffz, R. Zoz, J.Badier, Ph.Busson, C.Charlot,
E.W.Davis, P.Ni, W.Lourens, A.Taal, A.Thielmann:
Benchmarking parallel Architectures for 100 KHz Real-Time Applications
IEEE Trans. on Nucl. Sci. 40 (1993) 45.
G. Szabó, A. Szolnoki, Z. Juhász, and G. Ódor:
Enhanced fluctuations in driven lattice gases
Physica A 191 (1992) 445.
Géza Ódor, Nino Boccara, and György Szabó:
Phase transition study of a one-dimensional probabilistic site-exchange
cellular automaton.
Phys. Rev. E
(1993) 3168.
György Szabó and Géza Ódor:
Extended mean-field study of a stochastic cellular automaton.
Phys. Rev. E
(1994) 2764.
Géza Ódor and György Szabó:
Universality change in stochastic cellular automaton with applied site
Phys. Rev. E
(1994) R3555.
Géza Ódor: Estimation of the order parameter exponent of
critical cellular automata using the enhanced coherent
anomaly method.
Phys. Rev. E51 (1995) 6261.
Nóra Menyhárd and Géza Ódor:
Non-equilibrium phase transitions in one-dimensional kinetic Ising
J. Phys A 28
(1995) 4505.
Géza Ódor and Attila Szolnoki:
Directed percolation conjecture for cellular automata.
Phys. Rev. E 53
(1996) 2231.
Nóra Menyhárd and Géza Ódor:
Phase transitions and critical behaviour in one-dimensional non-equilibrium
kinetic Ising models with branching annihilating random walk of kinks.
J. Phys A 29
(1996) 7739.
Nóra Menyhárd and Géza Ódor:
Non-Markovian persistence at the PC point of a 1d non-equilibrium kinetic
Ising model.
J. Phys A 30
(1997) 8515.
Géza Ódor and Nóra Menyhárd:
Damage spreading for one-dimensional, non-equilibrium models
with parity conserving phase transitions.
Phys. Rev. E 57
(1998) 5168.
Nóra Menyhárd and Géza Ódor :
Compact parity conserving percolation in one-dimension.
J. Phys. A 31
(1998) 6771.
Haye Hinrichsen and Géza Ódor:
Correlated initial conditions in directed percolation.
Phys Rev. E58
(1998) 311.
Géza Ódor, J.F. Mendes, M.A. Santos and M.C. Marques:
Relaxation of initial condition in systems with infinitely many
absorbing states.
Phys. Rev. E 58(1998) 7020.
Haye Hinrichsen and Géza Ódor:
Roughening transition in a model for dimer adsorption and desorption.
Phys. Rev. Lett.
(1999) 1205.
Haye Hinrichsen and Géza Ódor:
Critical behavior of roughening transitions in parity-conserving growth
Phys. Rev. E 60
(1999) 3842.
Haye Hinrichsen and Géza Ódor:
Correlated initial condition simulations in directed percolation.
Comp. Phys. Comm. 121 (1999) 392.
Nóra Menyhárd and Géza Ódor :
Nonequilibrium Kinetic Ising Models: Phase Transition and Universality
Classes in One Dimension.
Braz. J. of Phys. 30 (2000) 113.
Géza Ódor and Nóra Menyhárd :
Critical behaviour of annihilating random walk of two species with
exclusion in one dimension.
Phys. Rev. E 61
(2000) 6404.
Géza Ódor :
Critical behavior of the one-dimensional annihilation-fission process
2X->0, 2X->3X.
Phys. Rev. E 62
(2000) R3027.
Géza Ódor :
Critical branching-annihilating random walk of two species
Phys. Rev. E 63
(2001) 021113.
Géza Ódor :
Universal behavior of one-dimensional multispecies branching
and annihilating random walks with exclusion
Phys. Rev. E
(2001) 056108.
Géza Ódor :
Phase transition of the one-dimensional coagulation-production process
Phys. Rev. E 63 (2001) 067104.
Tibor Antal, Michel Droz, Adam Lipowski and Géza Ódor:
On the critical behavior of a lattice prey-predator model,
Phys. Rev. E
(2001) 036118.
R. Dickman, W. R. M. Rabelo, and G. Ódor :
Pair contact process with a particle source,
Phys. Rev E
65 (2002) 016118.
G. Ódor :
Multicomponent binary spreading process,
Phys. Rev E 65 (2002) 026121.
Géza Ódor, M.C. Marques and M.A. Santos:
Phase transition of a two dimensional binary spreading model
Phys. Rev E
65 (2002) 056113.
G. Ódor and N. Menyhárd:
Hard core particle exclusion effects in low dimensional non-equilibrium
phase transitions,
Physica D 168 (2002) 305.
N. Menyhárd and G. Ódor:
One-dimensional Nonequilibrium Kinetic Ising Models with local spin-symmetry
breaking: N-BARW2 transition at zero branching rate,
Phys. Rev E
66 (2002) 016127.
G. Ódor:
Critical behavior of the one-dimensional diffusive pair contact process,
Phys. Rev E
67 (2003) 016111.
G. Ódor:
Critical behavior of binary production reaction-diffusion systems, in
Proc. of 7-th Granada Lectures (page 58-75), ed. P.L.Garrido and J. Marro,
AIP Conference Proceedings 661 (2003)
G. Ódor:
Phase transition classes in triplet and quadruplet reaction-diffusion moels,
Phys. Rev E
67 (2003) 056114.
Géza Ódor :
Critical behavior in reaction-diffusion systems exhibiting absorbing
phase transition
Braz. J. of Phys. 33 (2003) 431.
N. Menyhárd and G. Ódor:
Multispecies annihilating random walk transition at zero branching rate:
Cluster scaling behavior in a spin model,
Phys. Rev E
68 (2003) 056106.
Géza Ódor :
Phase transitions of the binary production 2A->3A, 4A->0 model
Phys. Rev. E 69 (2004) 036112.
Géza Ódor :
Universality classes in nonequilibrium lattice systems
Rev. Mod. Phys. 76 (2004) 663.
e-print: cond-mat/0205644
Géza Ódor :
Critical behavior of the two dimensional 2A->3A, 4A->0 binary system
Phys. Rev. E 70 (2004) 026119.
Géza Ódor :
Role of diffusion in branching and annihilation random walk models
Phys. Rev. E 70 (2004) 066122.
Géza Ódor and Attila Szolnoki:
Cluster mean-field study of the parity-conserving phase transition
Phys. Rev. E 71 (2005) 066128.
Géza Ódor and Nóra Menyhárd:
Critical behavior of an even offspringed branching and annihilating random walk cellular automaton with spatial disorder,
Phys. Rev. E 73 (2006) 036130
Géza Ódor
The phase transition of triplet reaction-diffusion models,
Phys. Rev. E 73, 047103 (2006)
Géza Ódor
Local scale invariance in the parity conserving nonequilibrium
kinetic Ising model
J. Stat. Mech. (2006) L11002
Nóra Menyhárd and Géza Ódor:
One-dimensional spin-anisotropic kinetic Ising model subject to quenched disorder,
Phys. Rev. E 76, 021103 (2007)
Géza Ódor:
Self-organizing, two-temperature Ising model describing human segregation,
Electronic version of an article published as [Int. J. of Mod. Phys. C, 19, 3, 2008, 393-398] [copyright World Scientific Publishing Company] []
Géza Ódor and Nóra Menyhárd:
Crossovers from parity conserving to directed percolation universality,
Phys. Rev. E 78 (2008) 041112
Géza Ódor, Bartosz Liedke and Karl-Heinz Heinig
Mapping of 2+1-dimensional Kardar-Parisi-Zhang growth onto a
driven lattice gas model of dimers,
Phys. Rev. E 79 (2009) 021125
Géza Ódor and Ronald Dickman
On the absorbing-state phase transition in the one-dimensional triplet creation model,
J. Stat. Mech. (2009) P08024
Róbert Juhász, Géza Ódor
Scaling behavior of the contact process in networks with long-range
Phys. Rev. E 80 (2009) 041123
Géza Ódor, Bartosz Liedke and Karl-Heinz Heinig
Directed d-mer diffusion describing the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang-type surface growth,
Phys. Rev. E 81 (2010) 031112
Géza Ódor, Bartosz Liedke and Karl-Heinz Heinig
Surface pattern formation and scaling described by conserved lattice gases,
Phys. Rev. E 81 (2010) 051114
Miugel A. Munoz, Róbert Juhász, Claudio Castellano,
Géza Ódor
Griffiths phases on complex networks
Phys. Rev. Lett. 105 (2010) 128701
Henrik Schulz, Géza Ódor, Gergely Ódor,
Máte Ferenc Nagy
Simulation of 1+1 dimensional surface growth and lattices gases using GPUs
Comp. Phys. Comm. 182 (2011) 1467
G. Ódor, R. Juhász, C. Castellano, M. A. Munoz
Griffiths phases in the contact process on complex networks
AIP Conf. Proc. 1332, Melville, New York (2011) p. 172-178.
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics Today,
Proc. of the 11th Granada Seminar on Computational and Statistical
Physics, La Herradura, Spain 13-17 Sept. 2010,
Editors: P. L. Garrido, J. Marro, F. de los Santos,
Jeffrey Kelling and Géza Ódor
Extremely large-scale simulation of a Kardar-Parisi-Zhang model using graphics cards,
Phys. Rev. E 84 (2011) 061150
Géza Ódor, Bartosz Liedke, Karl-Heinz Heinig and Jeffrey Kelling:
Ripples and dots generated by lattice gases
Applied Surface Science 258 (2012) 4186
R. Juhász, G. Ódor, C. Castellano, M. A. Munoz
Rare-region effects in the contact process on networks,
Phys. Rev. E 85 (2012) 066125
R. Juhász, G. Ódor
Anomalous coarsening in disordered exclusion processes,
J. Stat. Mech. (2012) P08004
G. Ódor, R. Pastor-Satorras
Slow dynamics and rare-region effects in the contact process on weighted tree networks,
Phys. Rev. E 86 (2012) 026117
J. Kelling, G. Ódor, M. F. Nagy, H. Schulz and K. -H. Heinig,
Comparison of different parallel implementations of the 2+1-dimensional
KPZ model and the 3-dimensional KMC model,
EPJST 210 (2012) 175-187
Géza Ódor, Bartosz Liedke and Karl-Heinz Heinig
Understanding surface patterning by lattice gas models (p. 259-297) in,
Nanofabrication by Ion-Beam Sputtering, edited by T. Som and D. Kanjilal
Pan Stanford (2012)
Géza Ódor
Slow dynamics of the contact process on complex networks
EPJ Web of Conferences 44, 04005 (2013)
Géza Ódor
Rare regions of the susceptible-infected-susceptible model on
Barabási-Albert networks
Phys. Rev. E 87, 042132 (2013)
Géza Ódor
Spectral analysis and slow spreading dynamics on complex networks
Phys. Rev. E 88, 032109 (2013)
Géza Ódor, Jeffrey Kelling and Sibylle Gemming
Aging of the (2+1)-dimensional Kardar-Parisi-Zhang model
Phys. Rev. E 89, 032146 (2014)
Géza Ódor
Slow, bursty dynamics as a consequence of quenched network topologies
Phys. Rev. E 89, 042102 (2014)
Géza Ódor
Localization transition, Lifschitz tails, and rare-region effects in network models
Phys. Rev. E 90, 032110 (2014)
Géza Ódor, Ronald Dickman, Gergely Ódor
Griffiths phases and localization in hierarchical modular networks
Sci. Rep. 5, 14451; doi: 10.1038/srep14451 (2015)
Wesley Cota, Silvio C. Ferreira and Géza Ódor
Griffiths effects of the susceptible-infected-susceptible epidemic model on random power-law networks
Phys. Rev. E 93, 032322 (2016)
Michael T. Gastner and Géza Ódor
The topology of large Open Connectome networks for the human brain
Sci. Rep. 6, 27249; doi: 10.1038/srep27249 (2016)
Jeffrey Kelling, Géza Ódor and Sibylle Gemming
Universality of (2+1)-dimensional restricted solid-on-solid models
Phys. Rev. E 94, 022107 (2016)
Géza Ódor
Critical dynamics on a large human Open Connectome network,
Phys. Rev. E 94, 062411 (2016)
Jeffrey Kelling, Géza Ódor and Sibylle Gemming
Local scale-invariance of the 2+1 dimensional Kardar–Parisi–Zhang model
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 50, (2017) 12LT01
Ódor Géza
Kritikus dinamika egy nagy emberi konnektomon
Fizikai Szemle, 2017/7–8, 227-231
Jeffrey Kelling, Géza Ódor and Sibylle Gemming
Suppressing correlations in massively parallel simulations of lattice models
Computer Physics Communications 220 (2017) 205–211
Jeffrey Kelling, Géza Ódor and Sibylle Gemming
Dynamical universality classes of simple growth and lattice gas models
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 51 (2018) 035003
Wesley Cota, Silvio C. Ferreira and Géza Ódor
Griffiths phases in infinite-dimensional, non-hierarchical modular networks
Sci. Rep. 8 (2018) 9144
Géza Ódor and Bálint Hartmann
Heterogeneity effects in power grid network models
Phys. Rev. E 98 (2018) 022305
Zsuzsa Danku, Géza Ódor and Ferenc Kun
Avalanche dynamics in higher-dimensional fiber bundle models
Phys. Rev. E 98 (2018) 042126
Géza Ódor
Robustness of Griffiths effects in homeostatic connectome models
Phys. Rev. E 99 (2019) 012113
Géza Ódor and Bálint Hartmann
A heterogenitások hatásai villamos hálózati modelleken
Fizikai Szemle 2019 / 2, 50-54.
Róbert Juhász, Jeffrey Kelling and Géza Ódor
Critical dynamics of the Kuramoto model on sparse random networks
J. Stat. Mech. (2019) 053403
Géza Ódor and Jeffrey Kelling
Critical synchronization dynamics of the Kuramoto model on
connectome and small world graphs
Scientific Reports 9 (2019) 19621
Géza Ódor and Bálint Hartmann
Power-Law Distributions of Dynamic Cascade Failures in Power-Grid Models
Entropy 22 (2020) 666
Géza Ódor and Beatriz de Simoni
Heterogeneous excitable systems exhibit Griffiths phases below hybrid phase transitions
Phys. Rev. Research 3 (2021) 013106.
Géza Ódor
Nonuniversal power-law dynamics of susceptible infected recovered models on hierarchical modular networks
Phys. Rev. E 103 (2021) 062112.
Géza Ódor, Jeffrey Kelling and Gustavo Deco
The effect of noise on the synchronization dynamics of the Kuramoto model on a large human connectome graph
Neurocomputing, 461 (2021) 696-704.
Géza Ódor, Michael T. Gastner, Jeffrey Kelling and Gustavo Deco
Modelling on the very large-scale connectome
J. Phys. Complex. 2 (2021) 045002.
Géza Ódor, Gustavo Deco and Jeffrey Kelling
Differences in the critical dynamics underlying the human and fruit-fly connectome
Phys. Rev. Res. 4 (2022) 023057.
Géza Ódor, Shengfeng Deng, Bálint Hartmann and Jeffrey Kelling
Synchronization dynamics on power grids in Europe and the United States
Phys. Rev. E. 106 (2022) 034311.
Géza Ódor, Shengfeng Deng
Synchronization Transition of the Second-Order Kuramoto Model on Lattices
Entropy 25 (2023), 164
Shengfeng Deng, Géza Ódor
Critical behavior of the diffusive susceptible-infected-recovered model
Phys. Rev. E 107 (2023) 014303
Géza Ódor, István Papp, Shengfeng Deng and Jeffrey Kelling
Synchronization transitions on connectome graphs with external force.
Front. Phys. 11 (2023) 1150246.
Bálint Hartmann, Shengfeng Deng, Géza Ódor and Jeffrey Kelling
Revisiting and Modeling Power-Law Distributions in Empirical Outage Data of Power Systems.
PRX Energy 2, (2023) 033007.
G. Pál, Z. Danku, A. Batool, V. Kádár, N. Yoshioka, N. Ito, Géza Ódor,
and F. Kun
Scaling laws of failure dynamics on complex networks.
Sci. Rep. 13 (2023) 19733
Géza Ódor, István Papp, Kristóf Benedek, Bálint Hartmann
Improving power-grid systems via topological changes or how self-organized criticality can help power grids.
Phys. Rev. Res. 6 (2024), 013194
Shengfeng Deng and Géza Ódor
Chimera-like states in neural networks and power systems.
Chaos 34, (2024) 033135
Bálint Hartmann, Géza Ódor, István Papp, Kristóf Benedek, Shengfeng Deng and Jeffrey Kelling
Dynamical heterogeneity and universality of power-grids,
Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks, 39 (2024) 101491,
Géza Ódor, Shengfeng Deng and Jeffrey Kelling
Frustrated Synchronization of the Kuramoto Model on Complex Networks,
Entropy 26 (2024), 1074,
Bálint Hartmann, Géza Ódor, Kristóf Benedek and István Papp
Studying power-grid synchronization with incremental refinement of model heterogeneity,
Chaos 35 (2025) 35 013138.
Michelle Cirunay, Géza Ódor, István Papp and Gustavo Deco
Scale-free behavior of weight distributions of connectomes,
Phys. Rev. Research 7 (2025) 013134.