Attila Szolnoki - Publications
Q. Wang, X. Chen, A. Szolnoki:
Coevolutionary dynamics of feedback-evolving games in structured populations
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
193 (2025) 116070
L.-L. Jiang, Y.-M. Li, W.-J. Li, A. Szolnoki:
Combined effect of incentives and coupling in multigames in two-layer networks
J. Phys.: Complex.
6 (2025) 015003
T. Ling, Z. Li, M. Feng, A. Szolnoki:
Supervised cooperation on interdependent public goods games
Appl. Math. Comput.
492 (2025) 129249
H. Yue, X. Xiong, M. Feng, A. Szolnoki:
Coevolution of relationship-driven cooperation under recommendation protocol on multiplex networks
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
190 (2025) 115753
C. Wang, M. Perc, A. Szolnoki:
Evolutionary dynamics of any multiplayer game on regular graphs
H.-W. Lee, C. Cleveland, A. Szolnoki:
Suppressing defection by increasing temptation: The impact of smart cooperators on a social dilemma situation
Appl. Math. Comput.
479 (2024) 128864
M. Xu, X. Chen, A. Szolnoki:
Nash Equilibrium in Macro-Task Crowdsourcing Systems With Collective-Effort-Dependent Rewarding
IEEE Trans. Netw. Sci. Eng.
11 (2024) 2689-2702
C. Wang, A. Szolnoki:
Competition between self- and other-regarding preferences in resolving social dilemmas
A. Szolnoki, X. Chen:
When faster rotation is harmful: The competition of alliances with inner blocking mechanism
Phys. Rev. Res.
6 (2024) 023087
K. Feng, S. Han, M. Feng, A. Szolnoki:
An evolutionary game with reputation-based imitation-mutation dynamics
Appl. Math. Comput.
472 (2024) 128618
J. Han, X. Chen, A. Szolnoki:
When selection pays: Structured public goods game with a generalized interaction mode
X. Xiong, Z. Zeng, M. Feng, A. Szolnoki:
Coevolution of relationship and interaction in cooperative dynamical multiplex networks
H.-W. Lee, C. Cleveland, A. Szolnoki:
Supporting punishment via taxation in a structured population
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
178 (2024) 114385
Z. Sun, X. Chen, A. Szolnoki:
State-Dependent Optimal Incentive Allocation Protocols for Cooperation in Public Goods Games on Regular Networks
IEEE Trans. Netw. Sci. Eng.
10 (2023) 3975-3988
J. Xiao, L. Liu, X. Chen, A. Szolnoki:
Evolution of cooperation driven by sampling reward
J. Phys. Complexity
4 (2023) 045003
C. Liu, K. Lu, X. Chen, A. Szolnoki:
Game-theoretical approach for task allocation problems with constraints
Appl. Math. Comput.
458 (2023) 128251
C. Wang, W. Zhu, A. Szolnoki:
When greediness and self-confidence meet in a social dilemma
H.-W. Lee, C. Cleveland, A. Szolnoki:
Restoring spatial cooperation with myopic agents in a three-strategy social dilemma
Appl. Math. Comput.
458 (2023) 128226
C. Wang, W. Zhu, A. Szolnoki:
The conflict between self-interaction and updating passivity in the evolution of cooperation
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
173 (2023) 113667
A. Szolnoki, X. Chen:
Emerging solutions from the battle of defensive alliances
L. Liu, X. Chen, A. Szolnoki:
Coevolutionary dynamics via adaptive feedback in collective-risk social dilemma game
C. Wang, A. Szolnoki:
Inertia in spatial public goods games under weak selection
Appl. Math. Comput.
449 (2023) 127941
J. Xiao, L. Liu, X. Chen, A. Szolnoki:
Evolution of cooperation driven by sampling punishment
Phys. Lett. A
475 (2023) 128879
C. Wang, A. Szolnoki:
Evolution of cooperation under a generalized death-birth process
Phys. Rev. E
107 (2023) 024303
S. Wang, X. Chen, Z. Xiao, A. Szolnoki, V. V. Vasconcelos:
Optimization of institutional incentives for cooperation in structured populations
J. R. Soc. Interface
20 (2023) 20220653
H.-W. Lee, C. Cleveland, A. Szolnoki:
Group-size dependent synergy in heterogeneous populations
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
167 (2023) 113055
A. Szolnoki, M. Perc:
Oppressed species can form a winning pair in a multi-species ecosystem
Appl. Math. Comput.
438 (2023) 127568
J. Park, X. Chen, A. Szolnoki:
Competition of alliances in a cyclically dominant eight-species population
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
166 (2023) 113004
C. Wang, A. Szolnoki:
A reversed form of public goods game: equivalence and difference
H.-W. Lee, C. Cleveland, A. Szolnoki:
When costly migration helps to improve cooperation
K. Sun, Y. Liu, X. Chen, A. Szolnoki:
Evolution of trust in a hierarchical population with punishing investors
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
162 (2022) 112413
Z. Li, X. Chen, H-X. Yang, A. Szolnoki:
Game-theoretical approach for opinion dynamics on social networks
S. Wang, X. Chen, Z. Xiao, A. Szolnoki:
Decentralized incentives for general well-being in networked public goods game
Appl. Math. Comput.
431 (2022) 127308
C. Wang, A. Szolnoki:
Involution game with spatio-temporal heterogeneity of social resources
Appl. Math. Comput.
430 (2022) 127307
L. Liu, Z. Xiao, X. Chen, A. Szolnoki:
Early exclusion leads to cyclical cooperation in repeated group interactions
J. R. Soc. Interface
19 (2022) 20210755
B.F. de Oliveira, A. Szolnoki:
Competition among alliances of different sizes
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
157 (2022) 111940
A. Szolnoki, X. Chen:
Tactical cooperation of defectors in a multi-stage public goods game
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
155 (2022) 111696
H.-W. Lee, C. Cleveland, A. Szolnoki:
Mercenary punishment in structured populations
Appl. Math. Comput.
417 (2022) 126797
W. Sun, L. Liu, X. Chen, A. Szolnoki, V. V. Vasconcelos:
Combination of institutional incentives for cooperative governance of risky commons
D. Bazeia, M. Bongestab, B.F. de Oliveira, A. Szolnoki:
Effects of a pestilent species on the stability of cyclically dominant species
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
151 (2021) 111255
H.-W. Lee, C. Cleveland, A. Szolnoki:
Small fraction of selective cooperators can elevate general wellbeing significantly
A. Szolnoki, M. Perc:
The self-organizing impact of averaged payoffs on the evolution of cooperation
D. Bazeia, M. J. B. Ferreira, B.F. de Oliveira, A. Szolnoki:
Environment driven oscillation in an off-lattice May-Leonard model
F. Yan, X. Chen, Z.Qiu, A. Szolnoki:
Cooperator driven oscillation in a time-delayed feedback-evolving game
A. Szolnoki, X. Chen:
Cooperation and competition between pair and multi-player social games in spatial populations
B. F. de Oliveira, M.V. de Moraes, D. Bazeia, A. Szolnoki:
Mobility driven coexistence of living organisms
B. F. de Oliveira, A. Szolnoki:
Social dilemmas in off-lattice populations
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
144 (2021) 110743
D. Bazeia, B. F. de Oliveira, A. Szolnoki:
Breaking unidirectional invasions jeopardizes biodiversity in spatial May-Leonard systems
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
141 (2020) 110356
A. Szolnoki, B. F. de Oliveira, D. Bazeia:
Pattern formations driven by cyclic interactions: A brief review of recent developments
A. Szolnoki, X. Chen:
Strategy dependent learning activity in cyclic dominant systems
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
138 (2020) 109935
M. Blahota, I. Blahota, A. Szolnoki:
Equal partners do better in defensive alliances
A. Szolnoki, X. Chen:
Blocking defector invasion by focusing on the most successful partner
Appl. Math. Comput.
385 (2020) 125430
Z. Xiao, X. Chen, A. Szolnoki:
Leaving bads provides better outcome than approaching goods in a social dilemma
A. Szolnoki, X. Chen:
Gradual learning supports cooperation in spatial prisoner's dilemma game
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
130 (2020) 109447
L. Liu, X. Chen, A. Szolnoki:
Evolutionary dynamics of cooperation in a population with probabilistic corrupt enforcers and violators
Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci. 29 (2019) 2127-2149
A. Szolnoki, M. Perc:
Seasonal payoff variations and the evolution of cooperation in social dilemmas
M. Cardinot, C. O'Riordan, J. Griffith, A. Szolnoki:
Mobility restores the mechanism which supports cooperation in the voluntary prisoner's dilemma game
New. J. Phys.
21 (2019) 073038
S. Wang, X. Chen, A. Szolnoki:
Exploring optimal institutional incentives for public cooperation
Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul.
79 (2019) 104914
D. Bazeia, B. F. de Oliveira, A. Szolnoki:
Invasion-controlled pattern formation in a generalized multispecies predator-prey system
Z. Danku, M. Perc, A. Szolnoki:
Knowing the past improves cooperation in the future
N. He, X. Chen, A. Szolnoki:
Central governance based on monitoring and reporting solves the collective-risk social dilemma
Appl. Math. Comput.
347 (2019) 334-341
A. Szolnoki, X. Chen:
Competition and partnership between conformity and payoff-based imitations in social dilemmas
D. Bazeia, B. F. de Oliveira, A. Szolnoki:
Phase transitions in dependence of apex predator decaying ratio in a cyclic dominant system
A. Szolnoki, X. Chen:
Reciprocity-based cooperative phalanx maintained by overconfident players
A. Szolnoki, Z. Danku:
Dynamic-sensitive cooperation in the presence of multiple strategy updating rules
X. Chen, A. Szolnoki:
Punishment and inspection for governing the commons in a feedback-evolving game
PLoS Comput. Biol.
14 (2018) e1006347
Z. Danku, Z. Wang, and A. Szolnoki:
Imitate or innovate: Competition of strategy updating attitudes in spatial social dilemma games
A. Szolnoki, M. Perc:
Evolutionary dynamics of cooperation in neutral populations
A. Szolnoki, X. Chen:
Environmental feedback drives cooperation in spatial social dilemmas
A. Szolnoki, M. Perc:
Second-Order Free-Riding on Antisocial Punishment Restores the Effectiveness of Prosocial Punishment
M. Perc, J. J. Jordan, D. G. Rand, Z. Wang, S. Boccaletti, A. Szolnoki:
Statistical physics of human cooperation
Physics Reports
687 (2017) 1-51
A. Szolnoki, X. Chen:
Alliance formation with exclusion in the spatial public goods game
L. Liu, X. Chen, A. Szolnoki:
Competitions between prosocial exclusions and punishments in finite populations
M. A. Amaral, M. Perc, L. Wardil, A. Szolnoki, E. J. da Silva Júnior, J. K. L. da Silva:
Role-separating ordering in social dilemmas controlled by topological frustration
A. Szolnoki, M. Perc:
Biodiversity in models of cyclic dominance is preserved by heterogeneity in site-specific invasion rates
A. Szolnoki, X. Chen:
Cooperation driven by success-driven group formation
X. Chen, A. Szolnoki:
Individual wealth-based selection supports cooperation in spatial public goods games
A. Szolnoki, M. Perc:
Competition of tolerant strategies in the spatial public goods game
A. Szolnoki, M. Perc:
Zealots tame oscillations in the spatial rock-paper-scissors game
Phys. Rev. E
93 (2016) 062307
A. Szolnoki, M. Perc:
Collective influence in evolutionary social dilemmas EPL
113 (2016) 58004
A. Szolnoki, M. Perc:
Leaders should not be conformists in evolutionary social dilemmas Sci. Rep.
6 (2016) 23633
Z. Wang, A. Szolnoki, M. Perc:
How Much Interconnected Should Networks be for Cooperation to Thrive? in Interconnected Networks
(2016) 125-139
K. Li, A. Szolnoki, R. Cong, L. Wang:
The coevolution of overconfidence and bluffing in the resource competition game Sci. Rep.
6 (2016) 21104
A. Szolnoki, M. Perc:
Vortices determine the dynamics of biodiversity in cyclical interactions with protection spillovers New J. Phys.
17 (2015) 113033
A. Szolnoki, X. Chen:
Benefits of tolerance in public goods games Phys. Rev. E
92 (2015) 042813
A. Szolnoki, M. Perc:
Antisocial pool rewarding does not deter public cooperation Proc. R. Soc. B
282 (2015) 20151975
X. Chen, A. Szolnoki, M. Perc:
Competition and cooperation among different punishing strategies in the spatial public goods game Phys. Rev. E
92 (2015) 012819
H. H. Nax, M.Perc, A. Szolnoki, D. Helbing:
Stability of cooperation under image scoring in group interactions Sci. Rep.
5 (2015) 12145
M.Perc, A. Szolnoki:
A double-edged sword: Benefits and pitfalls of heterogeneous punishment in evolutionary inspection games Sci. Rep.
5 (2015) 11027
A. Szolnoki, M. Perc:
Reentrant phase transitions and defensive alliances in social dilemmas with informed strategies EPL
110 (2015) 38003
Z. Wang, L. Wang, A. Szolnoki, M. Perc:
Evolutionary games on multilayer networks: a colloquium Eur. Phys. J. B
88 (2015) 124
G. Szabó, A. Szolnoki:
Congestion phenomena caused by matching pennies in evolutionary games Phys. Rev. E
91 (2015) 032110
A. Szolnoki, M. Perc:
Conformity enhances network reciprocity in evolutionary social dilemmas J. R. Soc. Interface
12 (2015) 20141299
A. Szolnoki, M. Perc:
Coevolutionary success-driven multigames EPL
108 (2014) 28004
A. Szolnoki, M. Perc:
Costly hide and seek pays: Unexpected consequences of deceit in a social dilemma Z. Wang, A. Szolnoki, M. Perc:
Different perceptions of social dilemmas: Evolutionary multigames in structured populations Phys. Rev. E
90 (2014) 032813
A. Szolnoki, M. Mobilia, L.-L. Jiang, B. Szczesny, A. M. Rucklidge, M. Perc:
Cyclic dominance in evolutionary games: A review J. R. Soc. Interface
11 (2014) 20140735
X. Chen, A. Szolnoki, M. Perc:
Probabilistic sharing solves the problem of costly punishment New J. Phys.
16 (2014) 083016
A. Szolnoki, M. Perc:
Defection and extortion as unexpected catalysts of unconditional cooperation in structured populations Sci. Rep.
4 (2014) 5496
A. Szolnoki, J. Vukov, M. Perc:
From pairwise to group interactions in games of cyclic dominance Phys. Rev. E
89 (2014) 062125
A. Szolnoki:
The power of games Invited comment on "Climate change governance, cooperation and self-organization" by Pacheco, Vasconcelos and Santos Phys. Life Rev.
11 (2014) 589-590
Z. Wang, A. Szolnoki, M. Perc:
Self-organization towards optimally interdependent networks by means of coevolution New J. Phys.
16 (2014) 033041
A. Szolnoki, A. Antonioni, M. Tomassini, M. Perc:
Binary birth-death dynamics and the expansion of cooperation by means of self-organized growth EPL
105 (2014) 48001
A. Szolnoki, M. Perc, M. Mobilia:
Facilitators on networks reveal optimal interplay between information exchange and reciprocity Phys. Rev. E
89 (2014) 042802
Z. Wang, A. Szolnoki, M. Perc:
Rewarding evolutionary fitness with links between populations promotes cooperation J. Theor. Biol.
349 (2014) 50-56
A. Szolnoki, M. Perc:
Evolution of extortion in structured populations Phys. Rev. E
89 (2014) 022804
A. Szolnoki, M. Perc:
Correlation of Positive and Negative Reciprocity Fails to Confer an Evolutionary Advantage: Phase Transitions to Elementary Strategies Phys. Rev. X
3 (2013) 041021
J. Vukov, A. Szolnoki, G. Szabó:
Diverging fluctuations in a spatial five-species cyclic dominance game Phys. Rev. E
88 (2013) 022123
Z. Wang, A. Szolnoki, M. Perc:
Optimal interdependence between networks for the evolution of cooperation Sci. Rep.
3 (2013) 2470
A. Szolnoki, M. Perc:
Decelerated invasion and waning-moon patterns in public goods games with delayed distribution Phys. Rev. E
87 (2013) 054801
L.-L. Jiang, M. Perc, A. Szolnoki:
If Cooperation is Likely Punish Mildly: Insights from Economic Experiments Based on the Snowdrift Game PLoS ONE
8 (2013) e64677
A. Szolnoki, M. Perc:
Information sharing promotes prosocial behaviour New J. Phys.
15 (2013) 053010
A. Szolnoki, N.-G. Xie, Y. Ye, M. Perc:
Evolution of emotions on networks leads to the evolution of cooperation in social dilemmas Phys. Rev. E
87 (2013) 042805
Z. Wang, A. Szolnoki, M. Perc:
Interdependent network reciprocity in evolutionary games Sci. Rep.
3 (2013) 1183
A. Szolnoki, M. Perc:
Effectiveness of conditional punishment for the evolution of public cooperation J. Theor. Biol.
325 (2013) 34-41
M. Perc, J. Gómez-Gardeñes, A. Szolnoki, L.M. Floría, Y. Moreno:
Evolutionary dynamics of group interactions on structured populations: a review J. R. Soc. Interface
10 (2013) 20120997
G. Szabó, A. Szolnoki, L. Czakó:
Coexistence of fraternity and egoism for spatial social dilemmas J. Theor. Biol.
317 (2013) 126-132
A. Szolnoki, M. Perc, G. Szabó:
Accuracy in strategy imitations promotes the evolution of fairness in the spatial ultimatum game EPL
100 (2012) 28005
X. Chen, A. Szolnoki, M. Perc:
Risk-driven migration and the collective-risk dilemma Phys. Rev. E
86 (2012) 036101
A. Szolnoki, M. Perc:
Evolutionary advantages of adaptive rewarding New J. Phys.
14 (2012) 093016
X. Chen, A. Szolnoki, M. Perc:
Averting group failures in collective-risk social dilemmas EPL
99 (2012) 68003
A. Szolnoki, M. Perc, G. Szabó:
Defense Mechanisms of Empathetic Players in the Spatial Ultimatum Game Phys. Rev. Lett.
109 (2012) 078701
A. Szolnoki, Z. Wang, M. Perc:
Wisdom of groups promotes cooperation in evolutionary social dilemmas Sci. Rep.
2 (2012) 576
X. Chen, A. Szolnoki, M. Perc, L. Wang:
Impact of generalized benefit functions on the evolution of cooperation in spatial public goods games with continuous strategies Phys. Rev. E
85 (2012) 066133
Z. Wang, A. Szolnoki, M. Perc:
If players are sparse social dilemmas are too: Importance of percolation for evolution of cooperation Sci. Rep.
2 (2012) 369
M. Perc, A. Szolnoki:
Self-organization of punishment in structured populations New J. Phys.
14 (2012) 043013
G. Szabó, A. Szolnoki:
Selfishness, fraternity, and other-regarding preference in spatial evolutionary games J. Theor. Biol.
299 (2012) 81-87
Z. Wang, A. Szolnoki, M. Perc:
Percolation threshold determines the optimal population density for public cooperation Phys. Rev. E
85 (2012) 037101
A. Szolnoki, M. Perc:
Conditional strategies and the evolution of cooperation in spatial public goods games Phys. Rev. E
85 (2012) 026104
Z. Wang, A. Szolnoki, M. Perc:
Evolution of public cooperation on interdependent networks: The impact of biased utility functions EPL
97 (2012) 48001
A. Szolnoki, M. Perc:
Group-size effects on the evolution of cooperation in the spatial public goods game Phys. Rev. E
84 (2011) 047102
A. Szolnoki, G. Szabó, L. Czakó:
Competition of individual and institutional punishments in spatial public goods games Phys. Rev. E
84 (2011) 046106
Szolnoki, N.-G. Xie, C. Wang, M. Perc: Imitating emotions instead of strategies in spatial games elevates social welfare EPL
96 (2011) 38002
A. Szolnoki, G. Szabó, M. Perc:
Phase diagrams for the spatial public goods game with pool punishment Phys. Rev. E
83 (2011) 036101
Szolnoki and M. Perc: Reward and cooperation in the spatial public goods game EPL
92 (2010) 38003
A. Szolnoki, Z. Wang, J. Wang, X. Zhu:
Dynamically generated cyclic dominance in spatial prisoner's dilemma games G. Szabó, A. Szolnoki, M. Varga, L. Hanusovszky:
Ordering in spatial evolutionary games for pairwise collective strategy updates D.
Helbing, A. Szolnoki, M. Perc, G. Szabó:
Punish, but not too hard: how costly punishment spreads in the spatial public goods game G.
Szabó, A. Szolnoki, and J. Vukov: Mechanisms Supporting Cooperation for the Evolutionary Prisoner's Dilemma Games in
Econophysics and Economics of Games, Social Choices and Quantitative Techniques (2010) pp.24-31, Springer
Helbing, A. Szolnoki, M. Perc, G. Szabó:
Defector-accelerated cooperativeness and punishment in public goods games with mutations A. Szolnoki and M. Perc:
Impact of critical mass on the evolution of cooperation in spatial public goods games D.
Helbing, A. Szolnoki, M. Perc, G. Szabó:
Evolutionary establishment of moral and double moral standards through spatial interactions M.
Perc and A. Szolnoki:
games - a mini review A.
Szolnoki, J. Vukov, and G. Szabó: Selection
of noise level in strategy adoption for spatial social dilemmas A.
Szolnoki and M. Perc: Resolving
social dilemmas on evolving random networks G.
Szabó, A. Szolnoki, and J. Vukov: Selection
of dynamical rules in spatial Prisoner's Dilemma games A.
Szolnoki, M. Perc, and G. Szabó: Phase
diagrams for three-strategy evolutionary prisoner's dilemma games on
regular graphs A.
Szolnoki and M. Perc: Emergence
of multilevel selection in the prisoner's dilemma game on coevolving
random networks A.
Szolnoki, M. Perc, and G. Szabó: Topology
independent impact of noise on cooperation in spatial public goods
games A.
Szolnoki, M. Perc, G. Szabó, and H.-U. Stark: Impact
of aging on the evolution of cooperation in the spatial prisoner's
dilemma game A.
Szolnoki and M. Perc: Promoting
cooperation in social dilemmas via simple coevolutionary rules G.
Szabó and A. Szolnoki: Cooperation
in spatial prisoner's dilemma with two types of players for
increasing number of neighbors A.
Szolnoki, M. Perc, and Z. Danku: Making
new connections towards cooperation in the prisoner's dilemma game M.
Perc, A. Szolnoki, and G. Szabó: Restricted
connections among distinguished players support cooperation G.
Szabó, A. Szolnoki, and I. Borsos: Self-organizing
patterns maintained by competing associations in a six-species
predator-prey model A.
Szolnoki and M. Perc: Coevolution
of teaching activity promotes cooperation A.
Szolnoki, M. Perc, and G. Szabó: Diversity
of reproduction rate supports cooperation in the prisoner's dilemma
game on complex networks J.
Vukov, G. Szabó, and A. Szolnoki: Evolutionary
Prisoner's Dilemma game on the Newman-Watts networks A.
Szolnoki, M. Perc, and Z. Danku: Towards
effective payoffs in the prisoner's dilemma game on scale-free
networks G.
Szabó and A. Szolnoki: Phase
transitions induced by variation of invasion rates in spatial cyclic
predator-prey models with four or six species M.
Perc and A. Szolnoki: Social
diversity and promotion of cooperation in the spatial prisoner's
dilemma game G.
Szabó, A. Szolnoki, and G. A. Sznaider: Segregation
process and phase transition in cyclic predator-prey models with even
number of species M.
Perc and A. Szolnoki: Noise-guided
evolution within cyclical interactions M.
Perc, A. Szolnoki, and G. Szabó: Cyclical
interactions with alliance-specific heterogeneous invasion rates A.
Szolnoki and G. Szabó: Cooperation
enhanced by inhomogeneous activity of teaching for evolutionary
Prisoner's dilemma games Europhys.
Lett. 77 (2007) 30004
Vukov, G. Szabó, and A. Szolnoki: Cooperation
in noisy case: prisoner's dilemma game on two types of regular random
graphs G.
Szabó, J. Vukov, and A. Szolnoki: Phase
diagrams for evolutionary Prisoner's Dilemma game on two-dimensional
lattices G.
Ódor and A. Szolnoki: Cluster
mean-field study of the parity-conserving phase transition A.
Szolnoki, G. Szabó, and M. Ravasz: Three-state
Potts model in combination with the rock-scissors-paper game A.
Szolnoki and G. Szabó: Phase
transitions for rock-scissors-paper game on different networks A.
Szolnoki and G. Szabó: Vertex
dynamics during domain growth in three-state models M.
Ravasz, G. Szabó, and A. Szolnoki: Spreading
of families in cyclic predator-prey models G.
Szabó, A. Szolnoki, and R. Izsák: Rock-scissors-paper
game on regular small-world networks J.
Phys. A: Math. Gen. 37 (2004) 2599
Szolnoki: Dynamical
mean-field approximation for a diffusive pair contact process A.
Szolnoki: Dynamical
mean-field approximation for pair contact process with a particle
source A.
Szolnoki and G. Szabó: Influence
of extended dynamics on phase transitions in a driven lattice gas G.
Szabó and A. Szolnoki: A
three-state cyclic voter model extended with Potts energy A.
Szolnoki: Kinetic
Ising Model with Modified Kawasaki Dynamics: First-order Transition AIP
Conf. Proc. 574 (2001) 144
Szolnoki: Phase
transitions in the kinetic Ising model with competing dynamics A.
Szolnoki: Novel
stationary state in a non-equlibrium model with competing dynamics Comp.
Phys. Com. 121 (1999) 742
Szolnoki: Stationary
state in a two-temperature model with competing dynamics A.
Szolnoki: Non-equilibrium
phase transition in a two-temperature lattice gas J.
Phys. A: Math. Gen. 30 (1997) 7791
Szolnoki, G. Szabó, O. G. Mouritsen: Anisotropic
ordering in a two-temperature lattice gas G.
Szabó, A. Szolnoki, T. Antal, and I. Borsos: Self-organizing
domain structure in a driven lattice gas G.
Ódor and A. Szolnoki: Directed
percolation conjecture for cellular automata is revisited G.
Szabó and A. Szolnoki: Generalized
mean-field study of a driven lattice gas G.
Szabó, A. Szolnoki, and T. Antal,: Anisotropic
polydomain structure in a driven lattice gas with repulsive
interaction G.
Szabó, A. Szolnoki, T. Antal, and I. Borsos: Interface
instability in driven lattice gases A.
Szolnoki and G. Szabó: Breaking
of forward-backward symmetry in driven systems G.
Szabó and A. Szolnoki: Coupled-chain
approximation for driven lattice-gas models G.
Szabó, A. Szolnoki, Z. Juhász, G. Ódor: Enhanced
fluctuations in driven lattice gases G.
Szabó, A. Szolnoki, and G. Ódor: Orientation
in a driven lattice gas G.
Szabó, A. Szolnoki, and L. Bodócs: Correlations
induced by transport in a one-dimensional lattice gas G.
Szabó and A. Szolnoki: Transport
driven reorientation in a square lattice gas model