
1.     This program is running on IBM compatible personal computers under Windows95/98, Windows NT, Windows XP, Windows 7 (32 bit), Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11 or compatible operating systems.

2.     Strain_4D-ED calculates strain maps from a set of diffraction patterns recorded at each pixel of a scanned rectangle in a STEM.

·       Input files are expected in Tif (non-compressed, gray scale) format.

·       The diffraction patterns are collected independently from Strain_4D-ED, by the control software of the STEM.

3.     To install the program, click Download below.  Select a temporary directory in your computer for destination. A file named Install_Strain_4D-ED.exe will be downloaded.

4.     Extract the setup files by running Install_Strain_4D-ED.exe. Select the same temporary directory for the destination of extraction.

5.     Run Setup from the same directory. Accept the offered destination directory (\Program Files\ProcessDiffraction_Suite). Wait for Setup to complete.

6.     Delete your temporary directory or keep the installation files as you wish.

7.     If you find this program useful, you may consider citing the publication below.

"Strain measurement in single crystals by 4D-ED”, Nanomaterials 2023, 13, 1007.

8.     Please report any problems or suggestions to

9.     Free subscription is granted with the program. You can visit this dowload page annually to check for new updates.

Related literature

Download Install_Strain_4D-ED

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